Sunday, April 11, 2010

FO ended yesterday.
its means the end of journey for us year 3s
and the start of a wonderful journey for the freshies.

I'm glad i made the choice not make FO a pass.
Went for FO no matter how tired I am after my flights.
Hope the year 1 and 2 GLs learn from us and pass it on.

I could really feel the bond in KETOS
espcially in FOC carnival games.
was really touched that the freshies really chiong all the way.

I didn't cry until debrief.
KETSU cried together for 1 hour.

my FO journey ended well! :)

Now what's left of my journey in TP is
Week Zero Freshmen Orientation.

(i do not know if i will cry this time round,
even if i do, it may just be because its the end of poly life,
not because of the camaraderae, or maybe. . oh well)